2 min readJun 23, 2021


Are you worried about not having any plans for your life? Being born in this 21st century, the era of entrepreneurship, where people have started to measure their success with the wealth and luxury, it is certainly worrying not knowing what to do in life.

Whatever social media sites you scroll through, all you see is contents like how to — become rich, successful, beautiful/handsome, smart and all. You may be motivated to do something through such posts, but you may be lost as well. You may loose things that make you happy. It may affect you and make you feel low and fear of missing out.

Well, not all forms of success and happiness is defined by wealth. It’s okay to be in your own pace. The perception of success and happiness differs among different individual. Not everyone go through identical situation. We all have our different journey and experiences.

If you have no chance of becoming an entrepreneur and have no plan for future, don’t worry because all that matters is now. Live in the moment, do what makes you happy and success will follow you ultimately. If you have family or people who love you surrounding you, then nothing is left for you to worry. If you are in good health and you are getting so many blessings without even asking for it, then you are already god’s favourite. You are amazing and you are worth it.

I am nobody to advise people about this and that but I am here to share my own experience. I used to worry a lot about not having any idea, and money in my hand to start my own business and become rich. I used to read lot of contents about- how to become a successful entrepreneur, run business, how to earn money and travel the world. But now I have understood that the world we see outside, plenty of money, luxury, the beautiful places, they are all outside world which matters very less to our soul. What matters to a human soul is inner world, the inner world of their own. Having peace with your inner world is next level success to you.

You may question then what about basic needs and desires ? We need hard work for that. Well, when you have peace with yourself, you will seldom stress over anything and that ultimately will get your work done smoothly. Success will follow you up. Stop following what you see, start believing in yourself and follow your inner world. The key point is only to live on the moment and worry less.

Apologies for any error! Thank you!

